Western Springs College

Western Springs College


BFG was invited to tender for both the soft seating and joinery packages, and were awarded the bulk of the soft seating package featuring our Media Modular Seating and parts of the joinery package.

One of the blocks containing 12 teaching spaces, is for Nga Puna o Waiorea, the college’s Maori immersion-Rumaki unit. Spanning 2000 square meters, the two new blocks will mean that the total number of teaching spaces at the college will be 81 including 17 existing teaching spaces that are being upgraded and re-purposed. The delivery time frame on this project was tight with our manufacturing and upholstery team producing 120 seating units is just under 5 weeks.


Architect: Jasmax

Project Manager: Western Springs

Tables: Custom Atrium Leaners, Lap top/side tables, Dane Leaners, Custom Booth Tables

Seating: Media Soft Seating, Skala Stools